TED Talks About Retirement and Aging

TED Talks About Retirement and Aging

Are you soon-to-be-retired or helping a family member plan for their impending retirement? One of the best ways to kick off the retirement planning process is to do as much research as possible.

At Sagewood, we’re happy to help guide you  and provide you with the best resources. Our MoneyGaugeTM tool, blog, and FAQs are a great starting point when it comes to researching senior living communities as retirement options.

If you’d like to go even further in your research of retirement topics, we also highly recommend TED Talks! These specialized lectures from expert speakers provide different perspectives about long-term planning and the aging process.

Check out some of the most popular TED Talks for older adults, and learn more about their purpose below.

What Exactly Are TED Talks?

TED Talks are a series of influential and inspiring presentations that cover a wide range of topics. “TED” stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, as the inaugural conference initially focused on these three areas when it was first held in 1984.

However, over the years, the scope has expanded to encompass a broad array of subjects, including science, business, economy, culture, art, and many other areas of interest among the human population.

The talks are typically short, lasting 18 minutes or less, and are delivered by experts, professionals, thought leaders, and individuals with remarkable experiences. TED Talks aim to share “ideas worth spreading” and are known for their engaging and thought-provoking content.

Some key features of TED Talks include:

  • Diverse topics

TED Talks cover a wide range of subjects, from science and technology to psychology, art, education, and global issues.

  • Inspirational speakers

The speakers are often experts in their respective fields, and they share their knowledge, insights, and personal experiences to inspire and inform the audience.

  • Global reach

TED Talks have a significant online presence, and many talks are available for free on the TED website and other platforms like YouTube. This accessibility allows people around the world to benefit from the ideas presented.

  • TEDx events

In addition to the leading TED conference, there are independently organized TEDx events held globally. These events bring together local communities to share ideas and experiences in the spirit of TED.

  • Storytelling

Many TED Talks incorporate storytelling techniques to make complex ideas more accessible and engaging. Speakers often share personal anecdotes or use visuals to enhance their presentations.

  • Short formats

TED Talks are designed to be concise and focused, making them easily digestible in a short amount of time. This format encourages speakers to distill their ideas to their essence.

  • Impactful visuals

Speakers often use visual aids, such as slideshows or demonstrations, to complement their talks and enhance audience understanding.

  • Open discussions

TED Talks can spark discussions and reflections, encouraging viewers to think critically about the ideas presented and how they can be applied to their own lives or communities.

Overall, TED Talks have become a global platform for sharing innovative ideas, fostering dialogue, and promoting positive change. The format’s popularity has led to the creation of a vast library of talks, making TED Talks a valuable resource for anyone seeking inspiration and knowledge on a wide range of topics – in this case, retirement and the aging process.

TED Talks About Money and Retirement

The following TED Talks are like having a financial advisor right by your side every step of the way during your retirement planning.

While TED Talks cover a wide range of topics, there are several that specifically focus on money, financial planning, and retirement. Here are some TED Talks that provide valuable insights into these areas:

The Way We Think About Work Is Broken by Barry Schwartz (2014)

Barry Schwartz discusses the flaws in how society views work and career choices. While not specifically about retirement, it offers insights into finding purpose in one’s work and the implications for long-term financial planning.

One Life-Changing Class You Never Took by Alexa von Tobel (2012)

Alexa von Tobel, the founder of LearnVest, talks about the importance of personal finance education. She provides practical tips for managing money, setting financial goals, and planning for the future, including retirement.

The Hidden Influence of Social Networks by Nicholas Christakis (2010)

Nicholas Christakis discusses the impact of social networks on various aspects of life, including financial behaviors. Understanding how social connections influence financial decisions can be valuable for retirement planning.

What Really Matters at the End of Life by BJ Miller (2015)

Palliative Care Physician BJ Miller discusses the importance of understanding and prioritizing what truly matters in life, especially as it relates to end-of-life decisions. While not specifically about retirement, the talk provides insights into life priorities and values.

These TED Talks offer a mix of practical advice, insights into behavioral economics, and perspectives on life and work that can inform financial planning, including retirement. We always recommend seeking personalized financial advice from professionals to address your specific needs and goals.

TED Talks About Healthy Aging

The following TED Talks are all about how to age gracefully, from wellness tips to creative and science-backed recommendations for physical activity.

The Secret to Living Longer May Be Your Social Life by Susan Pinker (2017)

Susan Pinker explores the correlation between social connections and longevity. The talk emphasizes the importance of face-to-face social interactions for overall well-being.

The Four Pillars of a Healthy Mind by Richard J. Davidson (2021)

Neuroscientist Richard J. Davidson discusses the four pillars—awareness, connection, insight, and purpose,—that contribute to a decent society. These concepts are relevant to promoting well-being at any age.

The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years of Life by Jane McGonigal (2012)

Jane McGonigal discusses how playing certain games can improve mental and emotional well-being. The talk explores the concept of post-traumatic growth and how it can contribute to healthy aging.

What Makes a Good Life? Lessons From the Longest Study on Happiness by Robert Waldinger (2015)

Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger shares insights from the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the longest-running studies on adult life. He discusses the key factors that contribute to a happy and healthy life.

The Art of Stillness by Pico Iyer (2014)

Pico Iyer explores the importance of finding stillness and quiet in our lives. This talk delves into the benefits of mindfulness and the impact it can have on overall well-being, particularly as we age.

How To Make Stress Your Friend by Kelly McGonigal (2013)

Health psychologist Kelly McGonigal challenges the negative perception of stress and suggests ways to turn it into a positive force for well-being. Managing stress is crucial for healthy aging.

The Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown (2010)

Brené Brown discusses vulnerability, shame, and connection. This talk is relevant to healthy aging, as it explores the importance of embracing vulnerability and cultivating meaningful connections.

These TED Talks provide a range of perspectives on aging, well-being, and the factors that contribute to a fulfilling and healthy life in later years. Always consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice on maintaining health and wellness.

TED Talks About Other Retirement Topics

You may be seeking ideas for how to spend your retirement years or are wanting to learn more about other topics that affect older adults, like dementia, family caregiving, and senior living communities. Some of our favorite TED Talks on these topics can be found here.

What You Can Do To Prevent Alzheimer’s by Lisa Genova (2017)

Neuroscientist and author Lisa Genova discusses the lifestyle choices and habits that can contribute to preventing Alzheimer’s disease. She emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing risk factors.

How Drawing Can Set You Free by Shantell Martin (2020)

Artist Shantell Martin discusses the therapeutic power of drawing and art for people with dementia. Her talk explores the impact of creative expression on individuals facing cognitive challenges.

How to Make Work-Life Balance Work by Nigel Marsh (2010)

Nigel Marsh discusses the importance of achieving a balance between work and personal life. While not specifically about retirement, the talk addresses the broader concept of life balance, which becomes increasingly relevant in retirement.

The Happy Secret to Better Work by Shawn Achor (2011)

Shawn Achor, a psychologist who emphasizes the importance of positivity, discusses the connection between happiness and success. While not focused on retirement, the principles discussed can be applied to cultivating a positive mindset during  retirement years.

The Power of Believing That You Can Improve by Carol Dweck (2014)

Psychologist Carol Dweck discusses the concept of a growth mindset and how the belief in one’s ability to improve can lead to success. This mindset can be beneficial for individuals approaching retirement with a focus on continued personal development.

Live a Well-Rounded Retirement Lifestyle at Sagewood

Sagewood residents engage in lifelong learning to explore their passions, expand their knowledge, and engage with fellow curious peers. Give us a call today to learn more about our learning opportunities and other engaging programs available in our community.